Available for download below are two amendments that US Senator Tammy Baldwin (WI) has filed to S. 4049, the FY2021 NDAA that SASC reported out of committee week before last. The bill is on the Senate floor this week. Members of the American Shipbuilding Suppliers Association (ASSA) are asking US Senators from their states to co-sponsor this amendment that addresses procurement of goods for the FFG-Frigate Program. This legislation is critical for sustaining the domestic industrial base. Senator Baldwin also filed the attached amendment for S. 4049 with regard to Domestic Sourcing Requirements for Certain Components for Auxiliary Ships to be engineered, manufactured and assembled in the United States. This amendment supports the position of ASSA. ASSA members from throughout the country are urging Senators from their states to support this amendment. To sign on as a co-sponsor, contact Blake Souter in Senator Baldwin’s office at blake_souter@baldwin.senate.gov or at 202-224-5653.
Follow this link to download: https://www.shipbuildingsuppliers.com/post/assa-asking-us-senators-to-co-sponsor-ffg-frigate-procurement