We are pleased to announce that Rear Admiral Ann C. Phillips, US Navy (Ret.), 20th Administrator for the US Department of Transportation Maritime Administration will be the keynote speaker for this meeting. She will discuss and present the MARAD strategy for recapitalizing the strategic sealift and ready reserve fleets, including the options for building new ships and/or buying/ leasing used platforms and how this strategy could potentially affect the shipbuilding industrial supply chain. Other invited speakers include: Capt. Pete Small, Project Officer, New Attack Submarines and Katie Connelly, Program Manager, PEO Ships DDG(X). The meeting will be conveniently located in Alexandria, Virginia at SBG Technology, 1737 King Street, Suite 601. There will be a social hour on Wednesday, July 20th from 5-7pm at an Alexandria pub to be announced later. On Thursday, July 21st, the meeting will run from 9am - 12noon with the keynote speaker kicking off the meeting at 9am.
Save the Date for the October ASSA meeting in the Washington, DC Area
October 26-27, 2022. The meeting will start with a social hour from 5-7pm on Wednesday. The Thursday meeting will be from 9am - 12noon. Let us know who you want us to target for speakers for this meeting. Email tishwilliams.assa@gmail.com with your ideas.